
1507 LotC - Highland Blue Diamond 2 x service fees

July 2015 auction

Standing at How High Equestrian, Braidwood, NSW
Black stallion, 16.3 hh, 2007

Rielly’ is an ISH stallion by US Grand Prix showjumper, Blue Diamond. Ridden by Harley Brown, he is a freak jumper, 16.3hh, black and stunning. Rielly has attracted attention from top-level eventers and showjumpers. How High Equestrian has had offers to buy him and a number of riders offering to take the ride on him. Rielly’s first foals are on the ground and we are so pleased with them all. They have their sire’s good looks, long legs, and lovely temperaments! A number of top-level riders have sent their mares to Rielly, recognising that he has all the attributes of the modern performance horse. Recently Heath Ryan stated that Rielly could be the next ‘freak’ eventing sire. Rielly’s dam line also includes a number of proven TB jumping lines including: Sir Ivor, Sir Gaylord, Agricola, Precipitation, Summertime, Zephyr Zip, Biscay, Northern Dancer and Hyperion! There have not been many Blue Diamond Horses in Australia but the ones we have seen have all been amazing jumpers. Rielly consistently scores very high marks in dressage, showing that he has what is required to breed toplevel international performance horses for eventing, showjumping and dressage. If you want to breed an international eventer, an Irish sporthorse the way to go. Since the Breeding Federation for Sport Horses was established in 1994, the Irish Sport Horse Studbook has taken top spot in eventing rankings for 19 of 21 years. Stud fee: $1800 fresh or chilled.

Celtic Blue Diamond
Diamond Lad
King of Diamonds
Kildalton Countess
Bellaghy Star
Johnny's Pet
Highland Ruby
Spring Serenade
Zephyr Zip
Kia Real


Service fee: $1800 fresh or chilled 

Contact Bec 0428 475025 or James 0427 203390, or email


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